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Materials Science Symposium

Materials Science is an emerging and challenging interdisciplinary field to study the structure, properties, processing methods, and applications of materials. Materials science has provoked and contributed to the development of various sustainable materials, smart materials, nanomaterials, biomaterials, metal alloys, ceramics, polymers, composites and design of complicated structures through the innovation of technology by the advancements in the study of materials science. This two-days Symposium, organised by the Chemistry Department, College of Science, University of Bahrain, will bring together academics, instrument manufacturers, materials producers and industries interested in materials and their applications.


  • Illustrating the scientific principles and applications of materials science to the
    scientific community in the academic and
    industrial organizations.
  • Recognizing the international research trends
    in the field of materials science.
  • Raising the awareness of the importance of
    developing sustainable materials.


  • Structures and Properties of Materials
  • Characterization and Testing of Materials
  • Bio-based Sustainable Materials
  • Nanotechnology in Materials Science
  • Materials in Different Industrial Applications

Who Should Attend?

  • All the Stakeholders (both Academia& Industry) of the Sector
  • Chemistry, Physics, and Engineering
  • Researchers & Innovators
  • Directors/Co-Directors of Research-based
  • Product Developers
  • Experts Looking for Collaborative Work

Poster Session

Students who are interested in presenting a poster should submit their poster upon registration. Presenters will be at their posters during the Lunch and the Coffee Break times to present to and speak with conference attendees. Poster Size should be (W x H = 84 cm x 119 cm).


Time Table



8:30-9:00 Registration and Reception
9:00-9:30 Welcoming Remarks

H. E Prof. Riyad Hamza, President of the University of Bahrain
Prof. Mohammad El-Hilo, Dean of College of Science, University of Bahrain
Dr. Layla Al-Shagri, Head of Chemistry Department, College of Science, University of Bahrain

Session 1: Materials and Structure
9:30-11.00 The World of Materials

Prof. Sherif Kandil, Department of Materials Science, Alexandria University, Egypt

11.00-11:30 Coffee Break and Poster Viewing
Session 2: Materials and Properties
11:30-12:30 The Properties of Materials and their Everyday Uses

Prof. Sherif Kandil, Department of Materials Science, Alexandria University, Egypt

12:30 ‒ 13:10 Glass Structure and Properties

Dr. Morsi Mahmoud, King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals, KSA

13:10 ‒ 14:10 Prayer and Lunch
Session 3: Materials Selection and Processing
14:10 ‒ 15:10 Materials Selection for Industrial Design

Prof. Sherif Kandil, Department of Materials Science, Alexandria University, Egypt

15:10 ‒ 16:00 Processing and Manufacturing of Materials

Prof. Sherif Kandil, Department of Materials Science, Alexandria University, Egypt

End of day 1



8:30-9:00 Coffee and Networking
Session 4: Bio-based, Biodegradable and Sustainable Materials
9:00 ‒ 10:00 Environmentally Biodegradable Polymers

Prof. Sherif Kandil, Department of Materials Science, Alexandria University, Egypt

10:00 ‒ 10:30 Biobased Materials: Opportunities and Challenges

Dr. Ahmed Taha, Department of Chemistry, University of Bahrain

10:30 ‒ 11:00 Eco-friendly Materials for Sustainable Development

Mr. Abdul Karim Rashed, Head, Environmental Department, NEBOSH Lead Trainer
Al Mashreq Institute

11:00 ‒ 11:30 Coffee Break and Poster Viewing
Session 5: Materials and Applications
11:30 ‒ 12:10 Aluminum Smelting Technology

Mr. Hussain Al-Halwachi, Senior Chemist, Aluminum Bahrain (Alba), Bahrain

12:10 ‒ 12:40 Polymeric Membranes for Water Desalination

Prof. Sherif Kandil, Department of Materials Science, Alexandria University, Egypt

12:40 ‒ 13:10 Fire Retardant Materials

Prof. Sherif Kandil, Department of Materials Science, Alexandria University, Egypt

13:10 ‒ 14:10 Prayer and Networking Lunch
Session 6: Properties and Applications of Nanomaterialss
14:10 ‒ 14:30 Nanomaterials and their Applications

Dr. Suad Rashdan, Department of Chemistry , University of Bahrain

14:30 ‒ 14:50 Nanobiosensors: Design and Applications
14:50 ‒ 15:10 Nanohydrogels: Development and Biomedical Applications

Dr. Ahmed Abd El-Fattah, Department of Chemistry, University of Bahrain

15:10 ‒ 15:30 Conclusion and Closing Remarks
End of day 2

Organizing Committee

  • Dr. Ahmed Abd El-Fattah

    Department of Chemistry, University of Bahrain

  • Dr. Fadheela Al-Salman

    Department of Chemistry, University of Bahrain,

  • Mrs. Mona Al-Jar

    Department of Chemistry, University of Bahrain

  • Mrs. Naeema Fakhro

    Department of Chemistry, University of Bahrain



Contact Us


+973 33427038

Venue & Hospitality

Zain e-Learning Centre (S45-101)

University of Bahrain, Sakhir

Kingdom of Bahrain

Symposium Date

10-11 April, 2019

For any inquires regarding the program, please contact Dr. Ahmed Abd El-Fattah (Coordinator)